Monday, February 28, 2022


The founder of AMORC, Harvey Spencer Lewis, was arrested by the New York police on June 17, 1918, and The Sun newspaper published the following article on this matter on June 19, 1918:

The text says:
Prying detectives want to know about those gold bonds and things.
Cult leader asserts purpose of organization had no taint of money getting.
Half a dozen detectives attached to the District Attorney’s office were exam feats –meaning sateen sasher, robes and other regalia– taken in the raid of the headquarters of the so-called American Order of the Rosae Crucis.
While they were still going over the papers, books and other paraphernalia of various kinds collected in the raid that was described exclusively in The Sun yesterday, H. Spencer Lewis, who had been variously described as the main works, the grand Imperator, the most perfect master profundis, and illustrious brother of the illuminati of the world, was explaining to The Sun that his arrest, detention and examination taken altogether comprised one of the greatest outrages ever perpetrated upon a real and regular Rosae Crucian.
Grand Imperator Lewis was arrested on Monday night in a spectacular raid on the headquarters of his organization in the old Lily Lantry house at 361 West Twenty-Third street. Two or three dozen of his followers tried to get ball, but the Grand Imperator had to spend the night in a cell.
Gold bonds figure in charge
Lewis was arraigned yesterday in Jefferson Market Court before Magistrate Blau on a short affidavit sworn to by Detective-Lieutenant Joseph Russo, alleging suspicion of larceny of money through the sale of bonds of the so-called American Order of the Rosae Crucls. Lewis was later released under $5’000 for examination to-morrow.
Lewis gave his name as Harvey S. Lewis, although he is known among the members of hit cult as H. Spencer Lewis. The charge against him is based on statements of Miss Elisabeth Meeker of 70 Fifth avenue, who at one time was a member of Lewis's organization, and who, when the financial affairs of the so-called order was somewhat strained, declares that she handed over a hundred dollar bill, subsequently receiving one of the per cent, gold bonds of the Ancient and Mystic Order of Rosae Crucis.
Miss Meeker explained yesterday that her contribution had been given with out solicitation In October of 1916. That she received the bond with a receipt for the money paid, and that she had also received $6 interest. She admitted, however, that after attending several meetings of the organization she felt compelled to withdraw as a member.
From his home In Flushing last night Lewis told a reporter for The Sun that at no time had his organization –the Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis– ever clamed to be operating as a branch of the Rosae Crucis organization in France. "We have never claimed to hold any warrant, charter, patent or authority from any foreign country," he
said over the telephone.
But what Lewis told the reporter is false!
Because then where are the documents that Lewis claimed to have received from the Rosae Crucis organization in France?
And the ones that were sent by the French Government?
And where are the documents signed by eminent French military and government authorities?
And what happened then to all the provisions and declarations made by the French Rosicrucians that Lewis so boasted about?
It just so happens that when the matter got serious, Lewis was quick to deny the quackery he had been wielding to his followers to manipulate them.
Studies of the Occult
The allegations against Lewis are that he has disposed of several thousand dollars worth of bonds upon the representation that his organization was a recognized branch of a worldwide institution devoted to studies of the occult.
Among the papers seized in Lewis' desk on Monday night is a piece of parchment, headed "Pronunziamiento R. F. R. C. No. 987601". The document is adorned with a number of crude seals, dated Toulouse, France, September 20, 1916, and signed by one Jean Jordin.
After the signature follow a series of hieroglyphics. In the body of the document addressed to Le Secretaire-General, Thor Kiimalehto, appears the announcement that a separate jurisdiction of the Rosae Crucls order has been established in America under the supreme pontiff High Ancient Shekah El Morla Ra of Memphis and that the official seal is being forwarded to the Most Perfect Master Profundls, H. Spencer Lewis at New York.
Honors for American Master
In the February, 1916, number of the American Rosae Crucis, which is described on the first page as a monthly magazine devoted to science, philosophy and religion, a picture of Lewis in his robes of office appears, and in reference to him is this statement:
« In 1909 our Master Journeyed to France and England to complete his preparation for the Rosaecruclan work –which always seemed to be his goal– and he was given several honors and titles by the French R. C. order.
By agreement with the supreme council in France and Egypt the permission, long sought by scientists and earnest philosophical students, was given unto our Master to establish the R. C. Order in America in the year 1915»
_ _ _
When he was arraigned in court yesterday Mark Ellison, counsel for Lewis, declared that the District Attorney had produced no proof to show that Lewis ever received a dollar in cash for the bonds he is alleged to have sold.

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