Tuesday, March 1, 2022


The following document is known by AMORC as "Pronouncement of the Rosicrucian Order of France number 981601", which Spencer Lewis never showed but transcribed in his magazine The American Rosae Crucis, September 1916, p.23-24, where he added some accompanying explanations:
The text says:
Up to the: present time, and from its inception and establishment in this country, the Order Rosae Crucis in America has been under the protection of the Order Rosae Crucis in France which had issued a paper of sponsorship for the Order here.
On Tuesday the 17th of October the Supreme Secretary-General of the Order Rosae Crucis in this country [Thor Kiimalehto] received by mail an official document bearing several seals and official marks, mailed from France. The document consisted of a paper 28 inches long and 10 inches wide, carefully engrossed and written and containing a specially made map of the world in the centre of its text. It reads as follows:
Republic Francaise. R. C., No. 981,601.
A la Occident:
Le Secretaire-General. Respected Knight Thor Kiimalehto, Ancient R. C., Greetings Before the Sign of the Cross:-
At a High Lateran Council of the Council R. C. of the World held in Egypt in Memphis on July 20, A. D. 1916, R. C. 3269, the R. C. territories of the world were readministered in contingency of the necessary readjustment after the termination of the warring activities of the nations of Europe and Asia, and in contemplation of the certain reorganization early in the year 1911 A. D., the said Council decreed a division of territories as conceived on the map and chart which constitutes an official part of this document.
In accordance therewith we officially notify you, and through your respected offices the Supreme Council of Amerique, that ·there are now Eight Jurisdictions in substitution of the original Seven, and that the Jurisdiction of Amerique has been made an Official Jurisdiction no longer under the protectorate of any other Jurisdiction, but coming directly under the direction of the Pontif Supreme Perfect High Ancient Shekah, EI Moria Ra of Memphis. Official notice accompanied by the Gold Seal of the R. C. High Council will be mailed direct to your Most Perfect Master "Profundis" [Spencer Lewis] when such gold seal bearing his name and new title shall have been completed in the Atelier of the Memphis Grotto.
(Chart and Map)
As a result of the position your territory now occupies, and since your Jurisdiction is now the largest in the world, your Council is privileged with the honor of twenty-one of the forty-eight votes on the Council of the World to which dignity your Jurisdiction is elected by its allotment to separate Jurisdiction.
FURTHERMORE, by this decree, and by this document it is so decreed, the Most Perfect Master. H. Spencer Lewis, is made a Councilor of the World, likewise you, Most Respected Knight [Thor Kiimalehto] are appointed Councilor of the World and in the hands of both of you shall rest the appointment of the third Councilor and such appointment is to be duly reported to us that we may inform the High Archivist at Memphis.
May Peace and Power crown your noble efforts and those of your Most Perfect Master [Spencer Lewis] to whom you shall transmit these decrees, so mote it be!
Signed and given to seal on the 20th day of September, A. D. 1918. R. C. 3269 in the …….….'t France.
J………. J……….
                      Archivist. (Seal)
M.M. de la L…………
                      Secretary. (Seal)
L………. (Official Seal of-the Supreme Council of France)
(Lewis added the following comments)
The map on the above document shows that the whole North American Continent, from the Republic of Panama to the most Northern point of the continent, forms the American Jurisdiction, and includes all above and all below the United States as well as the Hawaiian and Philippine Islands. Other very important changes on the map will be shown in our next issue when possibly the map itself will be reproduced. One of the most important changes, however, is that not only has the Dominion of Canada come under our Jurisdiction, but Australia is now under the Royal Jurisdiction of Egypt; and the British Isles, once powerful in the Order, are now without any power whatever, their Jurisdiction having been taken from them because the Order there limited its membership for many years to men in an attempt to make it semi-masonic. Until the Order in England again admits women on an equal basis with men it will be denied the right to assemble, to hold Lodge meetings or to have the secret work or teachings.
The document itself gives to our Order here not only a greater field, the largest Jurisdiction of all, but gives us the voting power of almost one-half of the Council of the world, with three World Councilors, each having seven votes.
This is indeed a wonderful compliment to the work we have done and the success we have attained. It refutes many statements made by those who would weaken our power and justifies the high expectations of those who have become intimately acquainted with the inner workings of the Order.
(The name of the place, city, and officers at the close of the document is purposely left blank in this public printing of this document for it would furnish additional information to those who have been trying to personally and commercially benefit through the Order. One very important fact stands out boldly and that is that the name of the highest Officer of the Order in the world is not Moria EI as a few would have it in order to commercialize some facts, but is EI Moria Ra, a very different name with a very different meaning, and he resides in Memphis, not Tibet.)
This document begins with some French words to imply that it was written by a French person, but those words are so misspelled that for anyone who knows French, those misspellings have the opposite effect, since:
·        Republic Francaise is spelled correctly République Française.
·        A la Occident is spelled correctly Pour l'occident.
·        Le Secretaire-General is spelled correctly Le Secrétaire général.
French people are very picky about spelling and every educated Frenchman would make such mistakes.
But in addition, the rest of the text is written in impeccable English, which implies that this supposed Frenchman, who does not know how to write his own native language, on the other hand, does know how to write English very well.
Then the document reports that in Egypt there was a meeting of the Rosicrucian World Council where the world's territories were readministered by this council. But that doesn't make any sense, first because great occultists like Helena Blavatsky pointed out that the Rosicrucians are not of Egyptian origin and therefore the Rosicrucians have nothing to do with Egypt. And secondly because the real Rosicrucians were a congregation of European occultists that existed until the end of the 18th century, so they have nothing to do with reorganizing the world's territories.
It is also very suspicious that AMORC benefits greatly from this reorganization because its territory has now become an independent Jurisdiction with almost half the votes.
And it is further reported that the official notice accompanied by the Gold Seal of the Rosicrucian High Council will be mailed directly to Spencer Lewis when such gold seal bearing his name and new title shall have been completed in the Atelier of the Memphis Grotto.
This sounds very crazy and it should be noted that neither that notice nor that seal was ever shown, nor did Lewis mention them again.
And it is also very puzzling all the megalomania names given to Spencer Lewis who is called:
   -   The Most Perfect Master Profundis.
   -   The Most Perfect Master.
   -   Your Most Perfect Master.
And he is also named along with his friend Mr. Kiimalehto: "Counselors of the World", and they had to appoint a third party although they never did.
And at the end Lewis wrote:
"The name of the highest Officer of the Order in the world is not Moria EI as a few would have it in order to commercialize some facts, but is EI Moria Ra, a very different name with a very different meaning, and he resides in Memphis, not Tibet.”
What Lewis says is false, he adopted the theosophical masters because a former instructor of the Theosophical Society Adyar, Marie Russak, was the one who elaborated the first rituals for AMORC (see link).
But as usual, Lewis distorted the information inventing falsehoods. It was the metaphysicians who began to call one of these teachers incorrectly "El Moria", and Lewis, wanting to associate everything with Egypt, added the term Ra because in ancient Egypt Ra is the name of the solar god. But in Theosophical literature this master is simply designated by the name of Morya.
And it is also false that this master lived in Egypt because there are documentations that shows that he indeed lived in Tibet (see link).
_ _ _
All this leads me to conclude that this document was prepared by Lewis himself.
In June 1918 Spencer Lewis was arrested on charges of defrauding his followers and the police broke into Lewis's offices to seize various documents, one of them being this document.
This event was mentioned by The Sun newspaper which in an article published on June 19, 1918 noted that:
« Grand Imperator Lewis was arrested on Monday night in a spectacular raid on the headquarters of his organization in the old Lily Lantry house at 361 West Twenty-Third street. Two or three dozen of his followers tried to get ball, but the Grand Imperator had to spend the night in a cell.
. . .
Among the papers seized in Lewis' desk on Monday night is a piece of parchment, headed "Pronunziamiento R. F. R. C. No. 987601". The document is adorned with a number of crude seals, dated Toulouse, France, September 20, 1916, and signed by one Jean Jordin.
After the signature follow a series of hieroglyphics. In the body of the document addressed to Le Secretaire-General, Thor Kiimalehto, appears the announcement that a separate jurisdiction of the Rosae Crucls order has been established in America under the supreme pontiff High Ancient Shekah El Morla Ra of Memphis and that the official seal is being forwarded to the Most Perfect Master Profundls, H. Spencer Lewis at New York. »
The seized documents were later returned to Lewis, but he never mentioned this document again, nor did he show the map it contained, and perhaps this is because he became aware that this document was too delusional and preferred not to speak further to respect.
This document is yet another of the many fraudulent documents that Spencer Lewis produced to impress his followers, showing how charlatan this individual was.

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